Monday, July 7, 2014

My Road to the Crown - Why I am Competing at Mrs. International 2014!


There are so many reasons why women choose to compete in pageants, and I don’t have just one single reason, because there are so many facets of the Mrs. International competition.  So, I’ll take it phase by phase and explain what I love about each portion of the competition.

Personal Interview – WOW – this is my favorite!  This is where the true heart of the competition is shown.  We, as accomplished married women, can share our marriages, our families, our personal goals and endeavors, our dreams and our passions.  I don’t believe in over-preparation in this area, as I want the true “Christy” to shine through, and for the judges to see the authentic me.

Fitness Wear I love to run (especially in a funny costume, but that’s neither here nor there!) and be active, so this is the place where physical fitness is celebrated!  And, we all wear the same (either 1-piece or 2-piece) fitness wear, so we are all on the same playing field.  I love this portion because it shows a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, which is something that I strive for (although not perfect in it!).

Evening Wear – Oh how I love to get all “gussied up!”  My gown, which you will see in just two shakes of a lamb’s tail at the pageant, is probably my favorite gown of all time.  It’s classic and timeless, which is what Mrs. International is.  Oh, and it’s got BLING!  Did I mention that it has BLING?!?  I cannot wait to slip this sweet gown on, hold on to my darling Renier’s hand, and compete on the Mrs. International stage!

On-Stage Question – Now this portion of the competition really shows grace under pressure.  We are asked a platform-related question, where we can show our heart and our passion for our community service organization.  I’ll be speaking about the Alzheimer’s Association and what I plan to do during my year as Mrs. International.  And let me tell you, it involves lots of traveling across the country, as well as internationally, and fundraising for this extremely worthy cause.  It never ceases to amaze me that almost everyone that I meet has a personal connection to Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.  My mission as Mrs. International 2014 will be to continue moving the cause forward, so we are all striving for a world without Alzheimer’s.  

Rehearsals & Backstage – I know, I know that this is not a part of the “competition,” but some of my dearest friends were met during pageant rehearsals!  Backstage, it really is a family, so as much as I get such a thrill competing on stage, I get a bigger thrill getting to know my sister titleholders on a personal level.  We truly are each other’s biggest cheerleaders!

Coronation – This is the culmination of months and even years of commitment and hard work.  During this portion, I’m just going to focus on my husband’s and parents’ smiling faces in the audience, and my directors, Eddie and Dennis, who will be anxiously awaiting the results.  It is in God’s hands and it has already been written in His plans, so I’m going to enjoy this moment and be thankful that I am forever Mrs. Renier Van Der Westhuizen, as well as Mrs. California International 2014.

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