Friday, June 20, 2014

This Saturday, June 21, is "The Longest Day!"

Do you ever wonder what being a caregiver for a person with Alzheimer's or related dementia is like?  For many caregivers, it can feel like each day is "the longest day" ever. So, every year on the actual longest day of the year (June 21, which is summer solstice), the Alzheimer's Association leads The Longest Day, where teams around the world come together to honor the strength, passion and endurance of those facing Alzheimer's with a day of activity.  

Locally, with the Coachella Valley Alzheimer's Association regional chapter, we will be hiking up the "Bump & Grind" trail in Palm Desert beginning at 6:30 a.m. 

Join me in honoring the millions of caregivers who spend tireless days and nights caring for those faced with this devastating illness.  Show your love, concern and willingness to show support to END this disease.   

Our local news station, KESQ, has been great in helping us get the word out about this event!  Check out the news coverage:

See you all tomorrow!!  Wear your purple and show your support!

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